How to Identify Credible Internet Sources

The internet has become an invaluable source of information and is used by students, teachers, and everyday people for research or entertainment. Unfortunately, not all information on the internet is reliable. It can be hard to tell the difference between a credible website and one that is not. Fortunately, there are some ways to examine a website and see if the information it provides is credible.

The first step in determining the credibility of an internet source is to check who provides it. A website or source provided by a reputable organization, such as a nonprofit, government agency, or university is generally considered more credible than one that is not. It is also a good idea to look at websites that have been around for a while, because they have likely been used and cited many times by reliable sources, and therefore the information is probably more reliable.

When examining a website for credibility it is important to look at the source of the information. If the information is based on scientific research, for example, does the website provide citations and links to the original research? It is also a good idea to look at the authors or contributors of the information. Do they have a credential or expertise in the subject they are discussing? If the website contains opinion, is it attributed to an individual or is it anonymous? Knowing the source of the information can give insight into the reliability of the website.

The design of a website can also provide clues about the credibility of its content. A well-designed website with no spelling mistakes, appropriate use of images, and updated content can give a good impression. It is also a good idea to look at the purpose of the website. Is it meant to provide information, sell a product, or persuade someone to a certain point of view? Websites that are clear about their purpose are often more credible than those that are not.

Finally, it is important to check the validity or accuracy of the information. Is the content supported by evidence or factual information? Does the website cite its sources? Is the information up-to-date and not outdated or inaccurate? Does the website have any kind of disclaimer that states that the content should not be used for making decisions?

These are just a few of the ways to determine if a website or internet source is credible. In the end, it is important to use critical thinking when evaluating internet sources. Doing research on the subject and considering the reputation and design of the website can help to ensure that only reliable content is used. Taking the time to verify the validity of an internet source can help to ensure that the most accurate information is obtained.

Dangers and How to Overcome It

With the advance of technology and internet availability, online addiction has become a growing problem. It is estimated that 18 million people suffer from some level of online addiction and this statistic is only increasing due to the mostly unlimited access to various online activities. Online addiction can adversely affect family, work, and social lives, as well as school performance.

Online addiction can be classified as any online activity carried out more often than one should, and for longer than what is typically seen as normal. This type of addiction develops gradually and can be compared to alcoholism in that the person can become dependent on it and suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and depression.

What Causes Online Addiction?

Online addiction is caused by a mix of biological, psychological, and social factors. People who struggle with feelings of low self-esteem, an inability to cope with stress, or a need to escape from reality may get hooked on online activities. For some people, comfort can be found in their virtual world where they can freely express their feelings and opinions without fear of rejection or judgment.

Social media platforms have become a major contributor to online addiction. Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram have all been linked to higher risks of addiction, as users become dependent on others for validation and validation of their digital lives.

What Are the Effects of Online Addiction?

Online addiction can greatly impact quality of life and cause a number of physical and psychological problems. Some of the most common effects of online addiction include:

• Poor academic performance

• Difficulty concentrating

• Reduced physical activity

• Poor sleeping habits

• Easily distracted

• Depression and anxiety

• Increased loneliness

• Feelings of hopelessness

• Irritability

• Feeling antisocial

• Hungry and use food as an emotional comfort

How Can You Overcome Online Addiction?

If you suspect you are suffering from online addiction, there are steps you can take to overcome the problem:

1. Acknowledge the problem: Before you can take steps to overcome your online addiction you must first acknowledge it exists. An honest reflection and assessment of your online activities can give you an understanding of how deeply you are addicted.

2. Set boundaries: Once you have acknowledged your online addiction you can begin to set boundaries for your online activities. Set a daily amount of time that you can dedicate to your online activities and stick to it.

3. Find healthy outlets: Spend time away from computers and mobile devices. Instead, engage in recreational activities, such as going for a walk or playing a sport, in order to get the physical and mental exercise you need.

4. Seek out support: It can be beneficial to talk to friends and family about your addiction and find out the ways in which they can support you in overcoming it. Additionally, seek help from a therapist or support group.


No one should suffer from the effects of online addiction, as it can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. With an understanding of the condition, you can take steps to break free. Be honest with yourself, be disciplined in setting boundaries, and make sure to engage in healthy activities away from technology. It can be a difficult road but with support from friends, family, or a support group, you can break free from the grip of online addiction and get your life back under control.

Scientific Journals on Addiction

addiction scientific journalOnline scientific journals are published by academic institutions and other public or private organizations that receive funding for accredited research. Scientific journals that publish pieces on trends in addiction contain valuable insight into critical addiction topics, such as what the chemistry of the human brain looks like when it is engaging in addiction and what the current statistics on addiction recovery are. Someone has to conduct studies in order to gather legitimate information on addiction in an objective way, and a scientific journal is precisely that method.

The studies that lead to scientific conclusions on addiction often make use of a controlled lab setting, a survey, focus groups or testable hypothesis. All variables are accounted for and meticulous research is conducted. The data is interpreted to quantify and qualify some aspect of addiction objectively. Without this type of addiction material, we would be lost in treating and approaching addiction. We would not be able to understand exactly how addiction works. Scientific journals are one of the foremost reliable sources of addiction information on the internet.

A scientific journal is full of information that comes directly from university studies and academic publications, but another source of information that is rich with insight is the opinions of industry leaders. An addiction industry leader may be an addiction therapist or a rehab owner. They are not necessarily affiliated with any academic institution, but the professional time they spend working with addicts makes them experts and scholars in their own right. The information published in journals that comes from interviews with and biographies of these industry professionals is invaluable.

There are many sources of information on addiction available on the internet, and knowing which ones possess accuracy and critical insight can be difficult. In the case of an established online scientific journal, it is highly probable that the information contained within can be trusted.

Quality News Sources on Addiction

addiction news sourceNews sources, such as newspapers, news magazines and news websites, can make for great sources of information on addiction. It is a different type of information found in news sources than is found in academic journals or in psychology handbooks. Where as more academic publications are based on many years of scientific studies, news stories on addiction are either summations of academic works with additional sources added in, or they are current events related to addiction, such as new funding for addiction treatment programs or current trends in addiction.

In determining whether or not a news source is a credible opinion on addiction, it is good to verify that the news source is well-established and widely circulated. The better trusted the news source is, the more verifiable it is. The strength of a news source with a firm reputation and history will provide accurate information on local, national and global trends in addiction, as well as report on developments in studies on addiction from an academic standpoint.

This is not to say that local news sources do not have quality information on addiction. Millions of groundbreaking addiction news events have come from a grassroots level and were first reported on by a local news source. Not only are local news sources usually the first to get wind of developments happening in their area, but they are often the ones to cover the story most thoroughly. Do not underestimate the value of a good quality local news source on the topic of addiction.

And even more important than the size or reputation of the news source is the quality of the reporting itself. Were all your questions about the addiction story answered? Was the information current? Did the reporter make use of good sources and conduct credible research? Use your best judgment in determining the quality of an addiction news story before circulating it as many lesser quality stories can be misleading.

Industry Professionals on Addiction

addiction industry professionalVerifying that the information you find online about addiction is very important to ensuring its credibility. There are a number of unlicensed, unincorporated websites online being managed by people who are merely opinionated on a topic rather than informed on it. This is concerning, considering that addiction is a serious mental health condition that requires sensitivity and awareness in its approach. Before you circulate information about addiction online, it is highly recommended that you verify where the information came from to ensure that an addiction industry professional created it instead of an untrustworthy source.

For example, one excellent source of information on addiction is professional psychologists and counselors who specialize in addiction. These professionals receive a high level of education on and exposure to addiction. They go through intensive studying up to a master’s level or beyond and continue ongoing education throughout their careers. They also have some of the most hands on experience working with addicted people in the industry.

Rehab owners and facilitators are also professionals who work directly with addicts and play a very important role in their addiction recovery. Rehabs in locations all over Canada, including addiction rehab Ontario, alcohol rehabilitation Scarborough and drug rehab Vancouver, offer intensive treatment programs that help addicts change their thought and behavior patterns for the better. They work in tandem with counselors and therapists to help recovering addict’s overcome their condition. Many rehab professionals have a strong background in the mental health industry already, some of whom held professional counseling positions in their lives. There is no other professional who spends quite as much time with addicts as a rehab staff person. alcohol rehab scarborough

And lastly, academics have a variable history of working directly with addicts, but they have access to the widest body of current information on what addiction is and how it should be approached. Again, many professions within the addiction industry may cross over each other so an addiction academic may have experience with counseling or rehabilitation work, but examining addiction from an academic vantage brings a whole new level of perspective to the matter. We need an academic understanding of addiction to reduce bias and create objectivity around the topic.

Credible Information on Addiction

addiction information sourceEducating the public on addiction is a matter of top priority, considering that part of addiction recovery involves finding understanding, informed support systems. Addicts will have a far easier time defeating their addiction if they do not have to worry about ignorant opinions and harsh stigmas attacking their disorder. Circulating credible information on what addiction is and how to approach the matter are critical to societal mental health and to the well-being of people who struggle with addiction. But knowing where to find credible information on addiction and knowing how to sift through all the non-credible information can be challenging. There are a number of quality sources for addiction information available if you know where to look:

  • Industry professionals on addiction. One reliable source for current information on addiction is from mental health professionals, such as psychologists, addiction counselors and rehab owners. These professionals have years of hands-on experience dealing with serious addiction problems and the psychology of an addict. They have access to the most current studies, theories and recovery material that is available. They are known to publish literature, both online and in print, and give interviews about their experiences, so their wisdom is not difficult to come by.
  • Quality News Sources on Addiction. News articles from reliable news sources provide decent information on addiction and addiction recovery. If you are relying on a news source for your information on addiction, make certain it is from a well-respected news source and an accountable journalist. Verify any cited sources, studies and press releases by familiarizing yourself with the original information source.
  • Scientific Journals on Addiction. A scientific journal, academic publication or university study is a very good source of information on addiction. The information presented in these publications will be the most scientifically documented and gathered information available. These information sources are valuable in understanding the absolute facts of addiction, where as opinions from industry leaders are the best sources of information for understanding valued opinions on the matter.